A Bilingual Story for Children

            Halloween, Juan remembered, was the one night of the year when strange, unexplainable things happened, according to stories handed down by his parents, grandparents, and the other elders of the community. It was the one night of the year that most people stayed in their homes. There was no such thing as Trick or Treat for the children of Lomas, as no one could afford to buy candy to give away.
            "I must try anyway," said Juan. "I must buy something for my dear Papa."
            "Don't be foolish, Juan! Please, not tonight," said his friend Jose, with fear in his voice.
            "No, Jose, I must at least try," replied Juan.
      «Halloween»! Se acordó Juan que «Halloween» era la única noche del año cuando sucedían cosas extrañas e inexplicables, según los cuentos que contaban los abuelitos, las abuelitas y los demás viejitos del pueblito de Lomas. Era la noche en que la mayor parte de la gente del pueblito se quedaba en casa. No había tal cosa como el «Trick or Treat» para los niños de Lomas, la gente de Lomas no tenía dinero suficiente para comprar dulces para regalar.
            "Pero de todos modos tengo que hacer fuerza," dijo Juan. "Por favor, esta noche no," le pidió José con temor en su voz.
            "No, José, por lo menos debo tratar de pedirle trabajo al Señor Ortiz," contestó Juan.