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A Western Adventure
By John Tilley

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A cool ale in a Baltimore tavern plus a Mickey Finn turned young Tubar Lane's student world into hell. Bounced out of school and disgraced, he could not return home to a strict father. He walked to the railroad yard where he met a train-hopping gunman. And that was the beginning of Tubar's long trek to wild and wooly Dodge City. It was 1872—the year of the great buffalo herds, of Indians, gunslingers, outlaws and renegades.

John Tilley was born in southern West Virginia in the sawmill community of Maben and grew up in the coal mining towns of Bud-Alpoca. He enlisted in the Air Force in 1947, and in 1948 flew from Walker Air Force Base in Roswell, New Mexico to Goosebay, Labrador in a B-29 bomber with the legendary Charles A. Lindbergh. Tilley was assigned overseas seven times, and retired in 1967 as a Master Sergeant. He is a pleasure horseman, coon hunter, fisherman and a member of the Authors Guild.

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5 1/2 X 8
ISBN: 978-0-86534-181-4
144 pp.,$18.95

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