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Celebrating Friends Through A Puppy’s Eyes
By James Anderson Reid

Illustrations by the Author

Order from Sunstone: (800) 243-5644

Did you ever wonder what your puppy is trying to tell you? With those eyes that seem so piercing? So sincere? Well, prepare to feel a special puppy’s eyes peering directly at you as Schultze tells his special stories--wanting to be sure you understand him, and making another friend of you as he speaks.

JAMES ANDERSON REID, Ph.D., better known as Jim, is a former college administrator and charitable organization consultant and fund raising teacher who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Schultze Mein Bruderschatz, better know as “Schultze,” is a white miniature Schnauzer who joined the Reid household after a short temporary visit that turned out to be permanent. Like many puppies who sense a bond with their human companions, Schultze began sending out his intuitive understandings early in his puppyhood and therein lies the source of most of his stories.

Dr. Reid’s association with Schnauzers began over twenty years ago and since that time, and through numerous changes in location and circumstance, his Schnauzer companions have been two or more in number, giving him some expanded insights into their unique personalities and special connections to their human family members. White Schnauzers are rare in the United States and not quickly accepted by Schnauzer specialists. Perhaps these stories may help to change that!

Sample Chapter
Inside This Book

6 X 9
ISBN: 978-0-86534-494-5
144 pp.,$19.95

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