By Thomas GrissomLyric poems of uncompromising truth and honesty selected by the author from his previous collections as among those he would most want to preserve.
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Lyric poems of uncompromising truth and honesty, selected by the author from his previous four books of poetry, are collected here, being those that he most wanted to preserve going forward. They represent several experiments in form and content in their freedom of expression. He has selected them according to his own assessment of merit, and for the truths and meaning they convey. On a personal level they are the ones he was most pleased to have written.
Thomas Grissom was Emeritus Member of the Faculty at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, where for twenty-two years he taught across a broad range of curricula including Great Books, literature, philosophy, physics and mathematics. Prior to that he was a research physicist and Department Manager at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he had responsibility for the design and development of nuclear weapon components. He resigned his post in 1985 as a matter of conscience, a decision chronicled in three separate accounts: Studs Terkel, The Great Divide; Debra Rosenthal, At the Heart of the Bomb; and Melissa Everett, Breaking Ranks. He is the author of The Physicist’s World, Johns Hopkins University Press; five collections of poems, Other Truths, One Spring More, Journal Entries, Neither Here Nor There and <>Selected Poems; a treatise on archery, Principles of Traditional Archery; two collections of short stories, The Fawn and Other Stories and At the Top of the World and Other Stories; and a novel, Parodies of the Fall, all published by Sunstone Press.
6 x 9
ISBN: 978-1-63293-365-2
162 pp.,$18.95
ISBN: 978-1-61139-642-3
162 pp.,$4.99