A Queer Novel at Sea
By Miles CigolleIn this queer novel on a ten-day deluxe gay cruise on the Jolly Roger, Miles discovers life and death, love and betrayal and finally truth and redemption.
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The ultimate Escape. It’s unlike any experience you’ll ever have. Ten days onboard the pristine Art Deco ocean liner, the Jolly Roger, in the middle of the picture-postcard Adriatic Sea. That and two hundred of the hottest gay men on the planet; gym bods on the prowl. Captain Brook is in charge, although his trans wife Mrs. J really calls the shots. Miles will be your knowledgeable on-land guide His sweetheart Abbey is onboard along with several very tall drag queens, the love birds Toby and Troy, a half dozen butch exhibitionists, one wayward Catholic priest and Miles’s cousin the sweet nun Sister Sofia. Of course also more than a few S&M wannabees, plus two sex club go-go boys Ebony and Mohawk. I forgot to mention moody Dylan, but he doesn’t really count. Don’t believe everything you read. The best thing about an escape is leaving your past behind. It’s a chance to cleanse the soul and be reborn. Welcome aboard all you Lost Boys.
Miles Cigolle grew up in a classic adobe house near Albuquerque’s historic Old Town with his parents and three siblings. His mother Terry was a ceramicist and a fine arts painter. His father Edward was a local grocer catering equally to the local Native Americans, Hispanics and Anglos with his two brothers. Miles studied architecture at Cornell University and went on to practice architecture for twenty-five years with distinguished New York City firms including Skidmore, Owings and Merrill and Richard Meier & Partners. He met his future husband Abbey on Memorial Day in 1982 in a leather bar in New York’s Meatpacking District. Abbey was a Stonewall baby. The couple returned to quiet Ithaca, New York in 2000. Miles worked on local higher education projects while Abbey joined the Finger Lakes Land Trust. They retired to New Mexico in 2016. Miles’s first memoir, Miles’s World, was published by Secord Books in 2021. Three subsequent memoirs, Reckoning, Upon Arrival, and Places and Faces were published by Sunstone Press along with a collection of queer poetry titled Distant Echoes.
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6 x 9
ISBN: 978-1-63293-743-8
64 pp.,$18.95
ISBN: 978-1-61139-763-5
64 pp.,$4.99